Sunday, February 22, 2009

LJ Farmer's Market

Our favorite: mango with lime and pico

Gorgeous broccoli and all kinds of beans you can imagine.

Love this potato stand. We got the best yams for Thanksgiving ever here.

Kid trying to start the engine while I admire the citrus.

It's almost spring but some of the best looking salad greens are here.

Got a bunch of the pink ones today and they are delicious.

Lettuces and mushrooms.

Love the Farmer's Market on Sundays.

My favorite flower stand. The nicest guy works here and these tulips last a week easy.

English peas are so sweet and the bunch onions are great in cooking.

My favorite fruit stand.

Killer Pink Ladies. We buy a ton to last one week...and they will last maybe 3 days.

There are these Farmer Market snobs in San Diego. This one at LJ is truly wonderful but because there are crafts, the CH'ers knock it and say it's not authentic. But most everything here is organic and there are superb stands with crepes, mini donuts, the best Mexi food, East African stand (my favorite),etc etc. And where else can you buy gorgeous bonsai, buddha bracelets, undersea treasures and the freshest produce. So yah, Hillcrest and Little Italy have some great stuff: HC has the largest produce selection and LI has cheese and meat but I love LJ!

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